Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Selective Economic Darwinism (c)

Hello to Everyone who is listening to me. In the last day or so, The United States Government became the proud owner of General Motors Corporation. Well What's a few billion more paper dollars for a company that should have followed the many other businesses mostly small businesses that have failed, are on the brink of shutting their doors or are on life support without any "hand-outs" coming from the Obama administration.

Let me state that I supported Barack Obama for President, but it doesn't mean that I agree with the GM move. Last year it was apparent that GM and Chrysler were not going to make it. The UAW claims they have given back all they can give. Well the way I see it, Once all of their employees are out of work due to Americans not wanting to buy cars that are unreliable and where the quality has faltered not improved over the last few years. I.E. I own a Saturn ION II, It is my second ION II. My first ION II with 106,000 miles blew an engine, so I purchased another ION II, I paid more for the new vehicle that came with less features and is poor quality.

I will never purchase an "AMERICAN" GM,CHRYSLER,FORD brand vehicles again." The Government should have allowed GM and Chrysler to cease operations or file months ago Bankruptcy.

It seems to me the Obama plan is to be "SELECTIVE" in who fails and who succeeds, that is what I call "Selective Economic Darwinism" Selecting certain companies to succeed and allowing others to fail is a pure disruption in the ebb and flow of free enterprise, this disruption only causes more negative ripples down the line.

The suppliers who have to live with uncertainty of being paid, ordering raw materials, juggling who is laid off and who stays causes the ripple effect touch many industries and in my opinion disrupts the economy's efforts to bounce back faster, instead selective government interference hinders an economic return to near normalcy for 2009 and into 2010/2011.

In my opinion the demise of GM and Chrysler is going to happen and no government mandates and no government money is going to save either company, allow both companies to sink into the abyss, allow management to pull together the units that do show promise and through innovation and ingenuity allow both companies to rise out out of the abyss and Automotive technology companies with vehicles that are eco-smart and friendly and so innovative yet affordable for guys like me (JOE EMPTY WALLET) that we can afford to purchase a full or hybrid-electric vehicle.

Many including myself are feeling the pain of eating two cans of tuna fish and an increase in pasta consumption since the economy has turned, many are no longer eating the filet mignon, and sipping on expensive vodkas. I say open up the grill, throw on some cheap burgers,dogs and some ice cold beer and work through it.

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