Read this article concerning RAPTIVA.
Raptiva Cause for Concern News
May 18, 2009. By Jane Mundy
Memphis, TN: Gloria was prescribed Raptiva for severe psoriasis and she says it worked "like a charm". She stayed on it for about 4 years, until she developed troubling side effects. Gloria has been a registered nurse for over 30 years—right away she thought these symptoms were associated with Raptiva.
Psoriasis She started having muscle aches and back pains and injections site pains. "Usually the injection burns but it should go away," says Gloria. "It was more than a tad uncomfortable—sometimes the burn stayed for days…
"Then I started having some neurological issues and I even had to use a walker for a while. I didn't know anything adverse about this drug until a few weeks ago. I received a call from a dermatologist telling me I should be taken off Raptiva; he went to a conference and they mentioned this severe neurological defect—a brain damage disease [progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)]—associated with Raptiva, and once you get this you won’t go anywhere with it but down.
I got sick to my stomach, especially because I have been taking it for so long. When my doctor first told me, I was in shock, strictly because I am in the medical profession. What if my brain has some of this disease process going on and they aren't catching it? Then a few days later I got mad. I can’t be mad at my doctor because every drug has side effects and you never know when a side effect will crop up and grab you. I got angry at the drug company because they knew this was happening. I am a research person and if I take a medication, I need to know what it is going to do and if it has any adverse affects.
From what I have read and from what the pharmacist in my company told me, the drug company knew about this side effect from clinical trials overseas and those trials did not have good results. This made me really angry. Apparently the drug company knew of the negative trials but never imparted the information here in the US.
I researched this drug thoroughly when I was first prescribed it and there was nothing in the literature that jumped out at me and said 'Don't take this'.
I didn't know if the neurological problems I was having were due to Raptiva or not because nobody could give me a definitive answer to my question—where were these problems coming from? I have never had issues like this in all my life. I was even hospitalized for 5 days. I just came home this week but I am still having residual affects from the disease process that put me in the hospital. I had a severe rash, fatigue, joint and muscle pain—all the classic symptoms.
The doctors couldn't say that Raptiva was the direct cause, but they didn't rule it out either.
I've been off the drug for about 4 weeks, but it takes a long time to flush Raptiva from your body to feel any changes. Right now I feel tired; I am worried about any residual affect and I am scared to take anything else for psoriasis ( I have been through the whole gamut—creams and oils—but nothing works.) My doctor prescribed another injection medication and I was very leery of taking it--he understood that I was gun-shy about this stuff.
My life has been turned upside down because of this. I was able to take any medication before Raptiva and not worry about it but now I am skittish about anything, even my old medications. I am mainly concerned about which pharmaceutical company makes them—if it is made by the same company that makes Raptiva, I won't take it.
I'm also a very strong and analytical person but this has me acting like a 2-year-old, being scared of any medication. I want to be confident like I was before, and not sit here waiting for something bad to happen. And the amount of money I have spent – Rapitva doesn't come cheap—has me angry.
Even without a lawsuit, I would like the drug company to make available the research done in other countries so people can make an informed decision. And I don’t like being blindsided by this incident—it has affected my whole family. They are nervous; they have seen me sick and don't think it is right. I just hope my testimony can help others."
I am owner of a start-up company called : Frontier DermaSciences,LLC. or
My psoriasis started at the age of 27. I am now 51. In 2007 I embarked on a personal project to treat my psoriasis without nasty chemicals and steroid topical products. I felt embarrassed when I went to the beach, went out on a date and at times on job interviews, I could not hide my condition.
In 2006/07
I experimented for a few months and came upon five oils that I successfully blended together. I was taking a prescription drug called Soriatane, it stopped the progress of my psoriasis, but did not lessen the lesions on my body. I used a tanning salon foe a couple of months each year and it worked temporarily for a month or two before the psoriasis came back again.
I took my idea and my blended oils, set-up an experiment that would initially run for four months, using my blended oil, the tanning salon, and the Soriatane by increasing the dosage temporarily, and documenting the events daily. In this experiment I failed to take photographs of myself, because at the time I never considered taking my product/invention public until family and friends recommended I move forward with my invention.
After the first test results, my body was 75% clear and I stopped treating, except for applying my oil, everyday after an evening shower. It took 10-months for the psoriasis to return, but only 25% of the original lesions/plaques returned.
I started a second round of experiments in January of 2009, and on March 26th, completed the second round or phase. I am currently 99% clear. I haven't taken a Soriatane since March 26th. I only apply my oil after an evening shower.
I have no side effects, my skin is hydrated and smooth and my skin is free from psoriasis at this time. It will be a super summer on the beach again.
I have attempted to raise funding for my start-up via Angel Investors, it did not work. I plan to market my product directly and to the Dermatology community beginning June 1st. Many Dermatologist don't support the use of the Tanning Salon, I do, it worked for me. My major competitors as far as I am concerned are: Genentech, Amgen/Roche, Abbott Labs, J & J Centocor.
For those who suffer from psoriasis. Visit with an allergist, find out if you are allergic to foods, grass, pollen, etc, if so, begin treatment, it will reduce any itching you may have. Drink less sodas and more water, it doesn't have to be bottled, your faucet city water is good enough. Excercise daily that will reduce stress.
If you are interested I have a plan using my product to assist in your psoriasis skin condition. Contact me for the information and if you have a dermatologist send me his/her name so that I may forward my treatment data to them for evaluation.
I don't have a cure, My product doesn't contain any chemicals, and no heavy oils, my product is safe and is clear in how to use it. My product doesn't require Rocket Science, it's smart science and bio/eco friendly.
The Tanning salon is a safe place to treat, the treatment plan is designed for the whitest of skin pigmentation and you can start your treatment with or without the use of prescription Soriatane, and monitor your own progress, although working with your dermatologist is my recommendation.
You have a friend in me all those who suffer from Psoriasis.
Contact me at:
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