Grant me the senility to forget the people
I never liked anyway,
The good fortune to run into the ones I do, and
The eyesight to tell the difference.
Always Remember This:
You don't stop laughing because you grow old,
You grow old because you stop laughing!!!
Each day we wake up, get dressed for work (some of us)
We take the same bus,train, or car(fossil fuel transporter) to visit a client and park in the same garage near the office at $100 to $300 per week)
We are creatures of habit.
We find a comfort zone and we stay there, not venturing beyond the zone for fear of
That is the legacy many Government leaders have;nationally,in your State, and Locally at the Municipal level.
People are afraid of CHANGE, Politicians are afraid of CHANGE, after all they could lose their Cushy Pay, and the fancy benefits of the job.
WAKE UP AMERICA, THE POLITICIANS AT ALL LEVELS WORK FOR Y-O-U!, They are bleeding us dry with tax on-top-of-tax. Enough Already, Do we need another R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N.
The Boston Tea Party was a set-up for Independence.
Do you feel Free and Independent? when every time you look and turn around, their is the tax man in your face. Isn't time to eliminate the I-R-S? and make the tax system simple? I am up to the challenge and would like to be hired to re-write it, but if I write it, many wasteful government entities would be closed, Many federal agencies would shutter their doors and I would bring federal employment down by 50%,excluding military employees and recruits, within four years.
Those ex-gov employees would need to find work in the private industry. The jobs would be there for them but only the cream of the crop would be hired.
The National Republican Party is all but DEAD. The Democrat party is now in charge.
Will they continue to spend on lost causes like keeping the fossils of the Auto Industry alive for American Pride by pouring another 15 to 30 billion dollars into a losing proposition.
The UAW has now become a major stockholder/stakeholder in a shell company called "CHRYSLER" How will the UAW leadership reduce costs, How will they deal with their Union brothers and sisters, Will the UAW leadership work for free? I doubt it.
I believe it is a blunder by the Congress and the President to sink any more money into the carcasses of the American Automobile Industry, Its a money pit, a black hole.
I suggest the President and Congress Offer to every American citizen earning not more than $60,000 as an individual and not more than $120,000 as a joint taxpayer a government backed $6,000 credit card and the elimination of the federal income tax for the balance of 2009.
The US citizen will take the $6,000.00 and spend it on many consumer items, maybe even purchase an American made(union free) Honda, Hyundai, Toyota or VW. The money will be used to pay down rip-off credit cards with interest rates as high as 30%, and much more. My proposal of $6k to 12K per working family earning up to $120,000 will spark the economy because its "REAL SPENDING MONEY" not the measley $300 t0 $600 per family,which didn't do much for the economy.
The BEST AND ONLY STIMULUS PACKAGE IS WITH THE PEOPLE,(AKA CONSUMER), We the People will spend the money on necessities and personal luxuries. Money in the hands of Bankers is lost and will never be recovered, Money into the hands of the Auto Industry will never be recovered.
Economic Darwinism is being thwarted by keeping Chrysler and GM on life-support.
Out of the Ashes of the American auto industry may come 10 to 50 entrepreneurial automobile companies. I would rather have 10 t o 50 new automobile companies than the current/(past)- big three controlling America's economy.
We need move move beyond Fossil propelled vehicles and to do that, we need to bury two of the three fossils:GM and Chrysler. As for FORD motor company, they may need to merge with a European or maybe an Indian(India) Company to survive.
Be Senile, Smile and have a nice day,
Go Phillies
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